My take on the 'Evil' alternate identity of Susan Storm, a.k.a. "The Invisible Woman", known as "Malice, Mistress of Hate".
This personality was brought out of her due to the machinations of Psycho Man and Hate Monger in Fantastic Four #280:
Modern Day audiences seem to be learning of Malice due to a game called "Marvel Rivals", which seems to be "Overwatch Through A Marvel Lens", as some have called it.
One of the Invisible Woman's 'alternate outfits' is Malice, but, to my eyes, a bit more 'Family Friendly' than the original outfit (no 'bikini' top 😅):
Altough, thanks to others who have been 'ripping' the outfits from Marvel Rivals for use in Daz Studo, I have access to some of the Rivals outfits, I didn't have Malice (I'm sure someone will make one), and, as you may know, I have more fun 'kit bashing' outfits together from stuff I have.
In this case I had a 'sexy dress' that was much like the one Malice wore, some spikey gothic bracelets, boots, and collar, and a "Fetish Mask", and a 'tattered cloak' I previously used for my take on Goblyn Queen (another 'Good Girl Gone Bad' 😉).
The spikes on the mask I used are nowhere near as outrageous as the ones for the original Malice, but close enough for me.
I had to add a light to try to light up her face a bit more, so it probably overlit her torso (and it funny, the two round shadows being cast on her cloak 😅)
In the second image:
A 'reverse angle' view of the previous image to see She-Hulk in her full 'Glory' 😋
I gave She-Hulk the outfit that Sue Storm herself made famous, or should I say 'Infamous', because of the cut out "4" 'Boob Window' 😁:
Part of the reason for that change was because Sue had absorbed a re-appearance of her 'Malice' persona, and it affected her personality, resulting in the more risque outfit.