Mary Dahl's No Tell Motel


"Mary Louise Dall, aka the former villianess 'Baby Doll' (reformed), decides to take some time off from managing her Hotel franchise, and spend some time at the beach, in a brand new bikini she picked out for the occasion."

Saw someone by the name of Aspirantpill do a 'Extra Thicc' version of Mary Dahl at the beach, so I decided to try one as well.  The last image above is his work (with apologies to the original artist)

This is the second 'Butt Centric Looking In Mirror' image I've done recently. I don't know why the reflection in this one came out grainy, despite having just as much 'items' in it as my previous one.

I made my 'base' version of Mary a bit Thiccer, and this time used a 'soft flesh' application for the buttocks to show her hands grasping her ample butt flesh (which I of course made much larger than in other images 😋)
 The second (and following) image is bit grainy (again), system has problems with some lighting sets it seems, which is why the images are either too dark or its obvious I added another point light source (probably too bright at that). If I use this 'Victorian Bedroom' set again, I'll just try to replace all the lights.
I made the dude a little heavy set because it seems some people like 'chubby black guys' in their porn images for some reason (why is that, I wonder?). I slimmed him down for every image after the first, though.
