Just The Tip


An image based on the second one, by an unknown 'artist'


Boring 'Rant': As I said above, I did this image in an attempt to recreate an image I saw like it.

That image was generated by AI Imaging software.

I will admit to a little jealousy when it comes to AI Art. For what seems like very little effort (and perhaps, most importantly, NO expenditure of actual cash), AI programs can produce stuff equal to the quality of some actual artists out there.

Matter of fact, I read on another forum that some actual artists are loosing potential commissions to AI programs, as their potential/former customers are using their work to train the AI to 'draw' in the same manner.

I'm seriously thinking about perhaps using AI myself, but only using my own renders as 'input'. Someone at one of those other forums did put one of my images through an AI filter awhile back, and as I understand it he didn't put much effort into the 'prompts' to convert it: Fair Argument, AI
