The Baroness and her Bodyguards



"Since Cobra Commander has, at his service, the Twin Team known as Tomax and Xamot, the Baroness decided to recruit her own bodyguards, known as Tee and Ayy" 

Since I recently did a Gargoyles themed image, I might as well continue on the 'Classic Cartoons' theme, this time revisiting G.I. Joe, and the sultry Femme Fatale, Baroness.

I had done an image featuring the Baroness's 'Bodyguards' earlier, but haven't really given them a name until now: Bodyguards of The Baroness

I gave them the 'joke' names of Tee and Ayy for obvious reasons (Bambi and Thumper were taken I've been told ^_^)

Boring Composition Notes:  I recently saw a 'Baroness Outfit' that I decided to pick up.  It came in a couple of variations: The 'Complete Bodysuit' version, and the sexier 'Garter's Version', which you can see in the first Alternate image above.

In the end, though, I decided to use another bodysuit entirely, but I made all but the Cobra symbols on the Baroness Outfit invisible and placed it over the catsuit (which is why you can see them floating just off the body, got them as close as I could without intersecting the arms/boobs). 
