Make Love, Not War


Guess I'm on a 'X-Rated Roll' as it were, so I decided to do another XXX image, once again using characters I had already created/have saved.

In this case, I'm going back to one of my D&D inspired characters, the dark skinned female dwarf from this previous series of images: Travelling Companions

In this case, I paired her up with a Orc.  The 'Story' behind it: She and her companions were sent to take care of a band of Orcs that were attacking merchants on the road into town.

Instead of a band, they only found this one orc, who turned out to be a Shaman for his own tribe, that had been wiped out by a band of mercenaries.  After explaining himself, they all went back to the tavern to heal, and find out where these mercenaries are, to help him get revenge, and stop them from attacking any others.  While at the taven, this dwarf (have no name yet) and the orc found they had a fondness for each other, and spent the night together.

I was inspired to do this image in part by an image by the artist known as Karmagik, where one of his own OC Dwarf characters is in a similar pose (I liked the look of the 'upside down boobs', so used the morphs I had to emulate the look ^_^):

The second image is actually my first render, but I thought the lights were too dark (as usual), so I added a light to show the 'action'
