Alfie in Goblin Wear



An image featuring my take on the character 'Alfie' from the erotic ongoing comic by InCase:

This comic has been going on for quite awhile now (since 2014), but he says he is winding down to a conclusion.

Instead of trying to give a description of the comic, just check out this wiki (SFW):

The latest chapters have Alfie hanging out with Goblins, and adopting their look, and 'Free Love" lifestyle to a degree.

I've wanted to do some of the Alfie Comic characters for quite awhile, but for some reason just never got around to it till now (although a few of my earlier images were inspired by the comic and the work of Incase).

Maybe later I'll do something 'naughty' with my Alfie rendition, but for now I want to do at least two or three Halloween themed images (used to do a lot more, but my laziness, and the slower nature of Daz Studio, has cut into that).

Boring composition notes: I STILL have to learn how to light better in Daz.  This 'Bar' set came with its own lights, which were too bright and set outside the bar, so they cast deep shadows.  I replaced them, but now they are too dark.  If I do another image, I'll replace the setting entirely.
