Captain Carol Freeman of the Cerritos Take One




My 'Take One' on a 'realistic' version of the character Captain Carol Freeman of the USS Cerritos, from "Star Trek: Lower Decks", based on a similar imaage by the artist known as TBX (see image above).

Quick 'composition' notes: I applied a few 'aging' morphs to her faces (lines around the mouth, eyes, neck, and forehead), and then applied a slight 'toon' morph to her face (bigger head and eyes). If I ever do another version of her I may tweak the look a bit (I do intend on doing one for Tindy eventually as well, maybe I'll have the pair double team some lucky guy ^_^)

On the show: I really like what I have seen of "Lower Decks".  When compared to everything else I have seen of 'New Trek' (excluding 'Brave New Worlds', which I haven't watched), I think it both the best of them all, and more true to all of the previous Trek shows, both in tone and by respecting the Canon of what has come before.
