Duergar Technomancer



As I've mentioned before, I play Table Top RPGS from time to time.

One of the ones I have spending a lot of attention to lately has been the 'Starfinder' RPG (which is basically the 'Pathfinder" RPG......In SPACE!!!....but not really 😉).

The setting does retain all of the 'standard' fantasy races like Dwarves, Half-Orcs, and even Drow.

I wanted to play around with making yet another 'Dwarf' morph, so I decided to make this one a Duergar ('Dark Dwarf'), and for no particular reason give her the class of Technomancer (a class that combines Technology and Magic).

I like how it came out overall, so I may do a couple of 'naughty' images with her later.

Boring Composition notes:

I played around with a couple of 'new' things with this one: One application to put the glowing tattoos on her arms (also across her back, which you can see a little bit in the 'shower' image).

I also used another to help improve the look of the skin around the breasts, particularly useful when you like to 'expand' the dimensions of such an area like I do 😉)

Unfortunately, it doesn't work well with the primary Nipple figures I like to use, so I didn't use them for this image.  I can probably do a multi render work around for that (one without the nipple props, one with, then erase around the nipples), so I may try that in future images.

I used a 'wet skin' prop for the shower scene, but it made her breasts look shiny on the top.  I think I have a work around for that as well, which will also require multi renders (and doing Iray renders takes a lot of time with even my new system, which is probably why I don't do as many images lately). 

Finally, the lighting is a bit dark for the third image, so I may add more lights to the scene in future images.


T-A-B said…
Very nice. I'm a fan of your shortstack characters, and the dwarves in particular. This definitely does not disappoint
Chup@Cabra said…
Thanks ^_^

I'll probably do a couple more with her soon, and Shortstacks of various races is always something I come back to eventually.
Unknown said…
How much do you charge for your commissions?
Unknown said…
How much are your commissions?
Chup@Cabra said…
@Unknown: Thanks for the interest, but I'm afraid I don't do commissions, sorry.

I do this as a hobby, and a form of strange 'Stress Relief', believe it or not.

By the time I get an image together and rendered, I tend to forget what it was that pissed me off at work the previous day.....more or less ^_^

If I start taking money, then it becomes a job that I could fail at, and I don't need the additional stress right now.

I do occasionally do suggestions, but no guarantees, so feel free to give one.