The Nanocyte



"A unique Nanocyte agent explores the depths of a seemingly abandoned living starship of the dreaded Swarm, looking for, and finding, the son of her employer patron suspended in some form of Stasis pod.

"Now, the only trick is to get them both out alive, as she hears an ever increasing skittering sound behind her....."

Yet another rare non-lewd image from me, and yet another Starfinder Tabletop RPG inspired image, this time based on one of the 'new' classes, the Nanocyte from 'Tech Revolution'.

"Your body houses an untold number of nanites, tiny machines that can grant you incredible fortitude, transform into tools, and course across the battlefield to decimate your foes"

There is a alien race in Starfinder called the Spathinae, which is a single individual composed of a 'swarm' of tiny insects that all share a group mind (so....."One Million Ants"? Wink/Razz )

I liked the look of the race, but I wanted my 'character' to be an actual swarm of nanaobots, so this is the conceit I use for her creation:

This character (to be named later) started life as an android.
Unfortunately, during one mission, she fell victim to an 'Assembly Ooze', a creature that absorbs technological items and transforms them into random smaller tech.

Luckily, one member of her team was a magical 'Witchwarper', a practitioner of Magic who specialized in exploring alternate realities, and manifesting those realities into his own in various ways.

Thanks to a powerful spell he cast, instead of being consumed by the Assembly Ooze, she instead merged with it and became a new being, with total control of the nanites that composed her new body.

In this scene she has already manifested a 'energy sword' from her nanites, and is in the process of creating another item around her left hand.

Quick 'Composition' notes: I simply applied a 'hexagonal patterned metal' texture to the skin of the model, and used a 'Spider-Gwen' mask I had for the head, with the same texture applied to get this look.

I gave her clothing because the race can still wear normal gear, and get the benefits from it (like armor), although it must be specially modified if they want to use any of their 'swarm' abilities (otherwise it just falls away).

Its been a long while since I have played any TTRPG, but maybe I'll stat out it sometime :) (Smile)
