Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil: Village




The trailer for the next Resident Evil game dropped recently, called "Resident Evil: Village":


In it, we see a rather voluptuous character, that may or may not be a vampire, whose name (thanks to google), is Lady Dimitrescu.

In the short time this trailer has been out (only a few days as of this post), an amazing amount of Rule 34 of this character has appeared, with one of my favorites being made by someone by the name of Almighty Patty: Lady Dimitrescu by Almighty Patty

Well, on looking at her......dimensions.....I had to try my own version of her as well.

I guess you could call this a 'Take One', although I don't think I'll try another version of her.

I just happened to have a floppy had, skin texture, and dress to emulate her look (although I actually used two dresses, so my version is showing off some butt cleavage as well :) ).
