Power Girl vs Mind Flayer



     Over at another forum, someone wanted to see Power Girl in a similar scene to the one I did with lara Croft vs the Mind Flayer, so this is what I came up with.

     I actually had a plan on showing PG being transformed into a 'Battle Thrall' (being put into a 'trnasformation pod' and given her 'Sexy Guyver Suit'), but lately I've just been very lazy for some reason, so these two images are all I managed to do. 

     I applied an 'Extra Muscular' morph to Power Girl to indicate her 'modifications'.  I also used a 'bulging veins' morph and added a 'wet skin' look, which may have overpowered the veiny look.

     Since the Guyver has some chest mounted 'Mega Blasters', I decided to give Power Girl some of her own as well ^_^

     For some 'flavor text' for the image:

 "The Fleshbender of this particular illithiid enclave presents its latest completed project to its brothers, a new Battle Thrall, using the body of a sub-species of the long lost Kryptonians.

"Now we have a thrall of equal power to the one that pathetic upstart Starro recently acquired, and we will soon show it the power of Illithid Supremacy!" 😄
