Where Are My Glasses?

Edit: Added a clothed version to see what it would look like (no back wall because I didn't save the previous scene before quitting)

A 'quickie' image featuring Velma looking for her glasses.....in the nude.....for some reason :-)

Another attempt at sculpting the Perfect Booty, and again failing.  Most of the morphs I have are intended to depict the rear end in more or less a standing position.  Once the figure is bent over the morphs begin to look strange.  That being said, I have a ton body morphs, so I just went through them dialing them up and down until I got what I liked (and got too bored to dial any more :-)).

I wear glasses myself, and a few times I've had the same reaction (and the curious follow up reaction of wanting to put on my glasses to help find my glasses [now I just keep the old pair as a backup :-)] ).


Anonymous said…
Always nice to see more Velma. Hope to see more of her and her friends.