Vesk Soldier from 'Starfinder'

One of the rare times I do a male centric, non-erotic image (although I guess some out there might still find it sexy, somehow :-) )

My attempt at making a Vesk Soldier from the game 'Starfinder' (more or less the 'Pathfinder' Fantasy RPG 'In Space'....but not quite :-)): Starfinder RPG

I used the only 'lizard alien' head morph I had, a skin texture meant for a 'medusa' (thus its only from the waist up), and some 'Darth Maul' horns on the head.
I think it came out pretty well for a first attempt (particularly proud of the 'Doshko', which is pieced together from a 'Steampunk Wrench' and some 'starship exhaust plumes'; and the tail, which is an entire Dragon parented to the waist, with everything except the tail made invisible (so yeah, its a Huge file :-)).

I've said it before, but even though RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons have been a lifelong hobby of mine, lately I've just lost all interest in playing them, even though they are probably more popular now then ever, thanks to online players like 'Critical Role': Critical Role on Youtube

That being said, I still buy rules sets, mostly .pdf files to save money, but occasionally the more expensive hardback version (if I have the 'excess cash' :-)).

Maybe one day I'll get over this 'non-gaming hump' and find a group again, or maybe its simply time, after nearly 30+ years, to finally put away 'childish things'
