Brain Slug Leela

a 'quickie' image of Turanga Leela being subjected to those icky Brain Slugs :-)

 Again, playing around with that "make anything glow" application in Daz Studio, to make the bottom of the 'alien tub' glow a sickly green :-)

I may try to put aside more money later this year to get a better video card (and more memory), maybe then I can render in iray without that 'grainy effect' occurring.


Vorelover1977 said…
Fantastic image dude. Very sexy. You should open an account on deviant art, your work is very unique.
Chup@Cabra said…
Well, I do have an account at DA:

Its probably the main reason why I don't do much X-Rated stuff anymore, because I get more feedback there (if only mostly in the form of seeing the image hit count go up ^_^)