"After their dance, Belle goes to Beast's expansive library, and finds a few rare books in a hidden away section, detailing the....amorous...adventures of a heroine"
An image inspired by "Beauty and the Beast" of course, both Live Action and Animated versions.
I don't have a good version of "The Beast" (at least Disney's version, although I have an excellent "Vincent" version I haven't used yet), so I used my 'lion Man", and gave him horns, a different mane, and some old fashioned clothing
For Belle I once again used my "Emma Watson" celebrity morph although, as always, it doesn't look much like her when expressions are applied. Strange thing: As of this post that particular morph is no longer available for sale, I wonder if the producers got a 'cease and desist' from the actual actress?
Belle is one of those characters I never found sexy, at least in her 'true' form in the animated movie.
That being said, I have seen some good artwork lately that sticks true to the look of Bell, while still sexing her up a little bit; particularly the work of an artist named Helg at a site called "Cartoon Valley" (a pay site, but if you wait several months and then pick up a month, you get all the stuff that has been made before for that one price :-)): Belle Art at Cartoon Valley
Also, the 'don't find her sexy' thing goes for Emma Watson as well, but since I picked up her 'celebrity morph' (on sale of course ), and she played Belle in the Live action version, I may as well use her as that character.
I had actually intended on my first image with him to be with Belle in the Ball Room (no pun intended ), but you know me, so my first image has him spying on Belle while she....entertains.... herself
I may do something 'naughty' with the two eventually.
I'll still do that Ball Room image in time, but now its time to start doing Halloween themed images (already a week behind on that).