Well, its that Creepie, Eerie time of the year again, and here is the first of the last images I'll make for this All Hallow's Eve; a Sultry, Sexy, Witchy Velma
The image is probably a bit too dark; I played around with different light sets (and added some lights) but they were all to bright in the end, so I settled for this.
You may notice the tree has a 'face' in it (intentional, as it is a halloween prop), and there is a Siamese cat hiding in a nook below it
I'll probably do a couple of more images before the Midnite Hour (where I live anyway). I didn't do as many this year because of several reasons which I already mentioned (not as much time and my own procrastination tendacy).
So if I don't say it later this Halloween Night, "Happy Halloween"!