Just an image combining Disney's newest Princess with one of their more 'classic' Princesses
I may do something 'naughty' with them later (been awhile since I've done anything 'naughty' ).
A short rant about Poser products follow, so be warned:
I did this image because I saw a new hair figure for sale called "Aphrodite Hair", but one look at the example images and we all knew who the hair was meant for
While the hair is much closer to the 'actual' hair of Elsa (more so than the one I was using before), the one thing I don't like about it is the Pony Tail.
It has so-called 'easy pose' controls, where adjusting one dial moves and twists the entire tail. The problem is that I suck at 'easy pose'
That is why the hair kind of looks like its floating near the end.
While it takes longer, I much prefer such objects to have individual segments you can twist and turn separately, that way you can get exactly the look you want.