Darkness and Steel

The previous image with the Orc, and these images have convinced me to devote September to "Fantasy" images, before I dive into Halloween themed images for October.

In this case, I tried to recreate a character I made for the MMO "Neverwinter", a female Dwarven Fighter by the name of Kirstryd Swordsteel, and her 'reformed' Dark Elf lover (Name to be determined ^_^)

Edit: Added a couple new images and re-numbered them all to suggest a 'natural' progression in their love making ^_^

I guess I'm really pleased with how this character came out, or I wouldn't have done so many images featuring her :-)


G Money said…
Good work!!! It's nice seeing a different type female character, than another elf girl. Keep it up!!
Chup@Cabra said…
Thanks for the compliment ^_^

I obviously liked the way it came out, or I wouldn't have done so many images with her (and she may appear again in the future ^_^)