Hot for Teacher

Well, tomorrow is October 1st, so lets get a jump on the holiday at the end of that month with this image ;-)

This is actually just another excuse to use a 'dynamic' outfit, which is really good when you use 'nonstandard' morphs for the base figure (the outfit will 'stretch' to match the body when doing a cloth simulation).

In the nude versions I made the breasts and buttocks a bit bigger than in the clothed versions; thought they just looked better that way ^_^


D said…
Love this lovely infernal instructor, and love the new horror themed pics!

Just to let you know, I'm doing a new batch of Horror Hotties this month and there's a chupacabra hottie this time. I'm probably not doing movies this year, though.
Chup@Cabra said…
Yeah, October is my favorite month for doing images ^_^

I'll give your blog a look-see this weekend as well (maybe steal... ummm, I mean give 'homage' to... your ideas myself ^_^)
D said…
Chelsea Chalupa (The Chupacabra Hottie) is debuting on Monday the 15th, but stop by anytime this month and feel free to steal away! There are plenty of monsters for all!