She-Hulk, The Savage

For no real reason, here's an image of She-Hulk as a Barbarian Babe (not connected to the "Slave She-Hulk" series I did awhile back, though :-) ).


D said…
I'm not sure what I want to say about this but I want to say something, and it's probably impossible to articulate my true feelings in a reality where magic lamps don't exist; so I'll just say, Awesome dude. Awesome.
Anonymous said…
Very, very nice. Hope you do a topless version!
Anonymous said…
Great works! Also, I'm looking forward to "Slave She-Hulk" series...
Chup@Cabra said…
To DCAAL: Thanks again for all the great compliments! ^_^

I keep promising myself I'm going to visit your own gallery, but its hard to find time with my schedule and all (I still want to read your reviews of the various horror movies you wrote for Halloween :-)

To the Anons: Thanks as well ^_^

I've already done a "Slave She-Hulk" series, you can find them here: