The genesis of these images comes from discussing the sex lives of various Super-Heroes at another forum ^_^
Its more or less accepted that in Marvel Comics She-Hulk has probably had the most lovers of any female.
However, there is one other C-list ex-superheroine who has Officially had anal sex!! 0_0
The character is Jessica Jones, aka "Jewel". In the first issue of the 'mature audiences' comic called "Alias", she goes to a bar and hooks up with Luke Cage (a old 'blacksploitation' type character from the 70s, but still active today). He has steel-hard skin and super strength.
Later that night this scene happens: Luke Taps That Booty ^_^
There seems to be the suggestion that he is indeed having anal sex with her, and that she is doing this as a form of self-punishment for her own perceived failings (a steel hard schlong up the hoo-hah just can't be comfortable, even to a fellow superhuman ^_^).
So I did this series of Luke performing the same act on someone who wouldn't find the activity uncomfortable (hell, she could probably bend a steel bar with those particular set of muscles ^_^)
Its more or less accepted that in Marvel Comics She-Hulk has probably had the most lovers of any female.
However, there is one other C-list ex-superheroine who has Officially had anal sex!! 0_0
The character is Jessica Jones, aka "Jewel". In the first issue of the 'mature audiences' comic called "Alias", she goes to a bar and hooks up with Luke Cage (a old 'blacksploitation' type character from the 70s, but still active today). He has steel-hard skin and super strength.
Later that night this scene happens: Luke Taps That Booty ^_^
There seems to be the suggestion that he is indeed having anal sex with her, and that she is doing this as a form of self-punishment for her own perceived failings (a steel hard schlong up the hoo-hah just can't be comfortable, even to a fellow superhuman ^_^).
So I did this series of Luke performing the same act on someone who wouldn't find the activity uncomfortable (hell, she could probably bend a steel bar with those particular set of muscles ^_^)
And another great set, as usual!
I'm kind of half and half on the issue; I see nothing wrong with suggesting that adult characters care to have sex from time to time (or as often as possible in Playboy Tony Stark's case ^_^), but suddenly changing a character into a slut with no explanation is a problem.
This has currently happened to Starfire in DC Comics; before she was a happily married (to Robin/Nightwing) person who may have had a different idea of modesty (often appearing 'nude').
Now with the DC 'reboot' she has turned into an amnesiac slut that sleeps with anything with a dick at the drop of a hat! (and as much as I might like to see that [or render it ^_^], the change in her character just doesn't make since because it wasn't preluded by anything, to my knowledge.
Benny was the greatest!
Now I need to google what that word(s) on her shirt are to get the joke (something uniquely british, I assume ^_^)