Lara in the Eye-Gur Pit

"Lara encounters a bit of... difficulty.. in trying to escape the Tomb of the dreaded Eye-Gur demon" :-)

Yet again, another image based on the work of someone else, in this case an artist who goes by the name of DVA-Shun: HERE


D said…
I think that "deep down" she's enjoying it...
Anonymous said…
Shuma-Gorath. Also, it looks like she's being stabbed through the back of her head.
Chup@Cabra said…
Well, like in the image this one is based on, its ment to suggest that a tentacle is snaking through her privates (I know, impossible no matter which opening ^_^).
DVA-Shun said…
Hello ! I found this pic searching something on Google...

I'm glad to see what you did with my drawing, it's a good job !
Chup@Cabra said…
To DVA-Shun: Thanks for providing the inspiration ^_^