Velma's Night Reading

Didn't know what to render this week, so I settled for one of my 'standard' choices, in this case Velma :-)

This image is based on the work of Julius Zimmerman, specifically this image:

I probably could have done better with this image, but as always, 'good enough' ^_^

You can find more of Julius's Velma work at this link [some NC-17 images in the gallery]:[velma]


Bigugly said…
Well Done!! --- JAG
evilerk said…
ahh...velma...very nice
LowMenInYellow said…
You are my hero. No seriously. My hard drive burned up early this summer and I lost everything, including not only my personal Zimmerman collection but my bookmark to that website. I searched and searched but to no avail. Thank you so very much.
Chup@Cabra said…
Well, glad I could be of help :-)