This is my take on Miranda Lawson, one of the crew of the Normandy in Mass Effect 2: http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Miranda_Lawson
In this pose I have her showing off what many fans consider to be her best... asset (*ahem* :-) ).
Initially I had her in an outfit, but I decided for this view to just put the white hex texture on her skin instead (the suit didn't have all the butt morphs I wanted ^_^).
I just finished playing ME 2 the other day, so some slight SPOILERS for that game follow:
I'm not going to go into a long rant about ME 2 (maybe in another journal entry). One thing specifically concerning Miranda, though, is this:
At one point in the game Miranda and Jack/Subject Zero have an argument, and you have to make a decision on who's side you take. This will piss off the other member, and you can only please them and gain their loyalty if your Paragon/Renegade meter is high enough to talk them out of it.
I picked Jack's side, and for the rest of the game I couldn't get Miranda back on my side.
This was particularly upsetting, from a story point, during the final 'Suicide Mission". Long story short, I ended up loosing only two members of my crew; Zaheed (who was a bastard who deserved to die :-) ), and Miranda, dammit!! :-(
Even worse, at least Zaheed got to have an 'on screen' death scene, and say some last words. Miranda, the original member of my crew, got nothing (just a quick scene of seeing her body on the ground).
I knew I would probably loose somebody, since I didn't max out all of the upgrades I could have gotten (and as I understand some of them help keep your crew alive during the final mission).
Oh, well, I'll probably go back to a earlier save and try again, spending some VERY boring time mining to get the stuff necessary to get all the upgrades maxed out.
PS Yes mining is really boring
PPS I need a second go trough to keep everyone alive