Gamma Thanksgiving

"Jenny Greenskins of the Gamma Tribe has finally tracked down her prey, and slowly moves in for the kill; little realizing that her feathered adversary has some gamma charged abilities of its own!" :-)

Here is my official Thanksgiving image (and only one for this year, after the little ruckus my thanksgiving series caused last year at another forum).

So, Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! :-)


evilerk said…
very cool pic..wonder if the turkey will stuff her:P
Unknown said…
Love She-hulk! She and Powergirl are my two favorites.

Happy Thanksgiving Chup!
Anonymous said…
Wasn't aware of the ruckus over last year's images. I thought they were cool!
Chup@Cabra said…
To Evilerk: I had thought about doing an image of Shulkie vs a hulked-out Harpy figure that I have, but went for this funnier one instead ^_^

To Mellodyeg: I'm thinking about returning to Powergirl soon, now that I have a version of Wonder Woman that I really like.

to Anon: Over at another forum, a few people had a severe dislike for the image titled "Turkey Hunt", thinking that it was disrespectful to Native Americans.

It turns out that the key dissenter, who claimed to have indian blood, probably didn't really, and said person REALLY believed he/she was an actual shape-shifter [werewolf]. WTF?!

Well anyway, waiting for all the eats to be done, so Happy Thanksgiving again to all!
