I may go back and postwork all of the images later to add "money shot" effects, maybe even add a final "Money Shot" scene (a requirement for all porn ^_^).
Well, to me, the annoying thing about this particular combination in other media (espically erotic art), is the heavy stereotyping they give to the black male (something that would make a member of the KKK proud [and piss him off at the same time ^_^]).
I may do another series later with White Man/ X-woman (although the Storm/Wolverine series I did earlier kind of applies, doesn't it? ^_^).
There's not enough of that. It's always "black man on X woman" and quite frankly it's annoying.
I may do another series later with White Man/ X-woman (although the Storm/Wolverine series I did earlier kind of applies, doesn't it? ^_^).