"Eldonna is of the class of demons known as Succubi, but she is unique among her kind, being devoted to the forces of Good.
"In her previous life she was like the rest of her kind, using her powers to seduce mortals who served the Light, and then in an act of passion draining their very life force into herself for her own sustenance.
"However, during one temptation of a human priest, she sought to consummate the seduction by taking his life atop an altar in the very church he tended to his flock in.
"Like all mortal men before him he gave in to her temptations, but at the moment of connsumation instead she felt a light flood her body, and with it driving out her demonic nature.
"It turned out that she was the one caught up in the trap of the priest, who had an... unorthodox view of sexual relations, and who had placed a relic of the great Saint Augustine in the altar (who is known, among other things, for once uttering the phrase after seeing a tempting woman "Make of me chaste, oh Lord... but not just yet").
"Now Eldonna works with the priest to hunt down the forces of evil, and she still uses her abilities in the way she is accustomed to. "
This time, however, she uses them against the other demons, seducing them in the form of a human and draining their essences instead."