My quickie take on Anakin Skywalker, teamed up with his Padawan Ahsoka Tano (lets say in an alternate universe where she is older and has 'filled out' :-) ).
Again, not a perfect likeness of Anakin (movie or toon series, but I pieced together what I had to come as close as possible.
Regular 'viewers' probably know me well enough to guess where this is going, huh? ^_^
By the way, anyone interested in an interesting 'deconstruction' of the Prequel movies should check out a online critic called "Confused Matthew": http://www.confusedmatthew.com/The-Star-Wars-Prequels.php
I tend to agree with pretty much everything he says in his review.
What I like about the new Clone Wars series is that it gives us a chance to see Annakin Skywalker as a true hero jedi (and not the whiney mass murdering dick he becomes after the death of his mother [granted a horrible thing to endure, but Padme stayed with him after this confession, instead of going to Yoda to get him some help]).
I get the urge to do a "NC-17" series about once a month, then fall back to Pin-Ups to 'cleanse the pallet' as it were ^_^
Starting to run out of sex poses, though; I may have to get (gasp!) original in future images! :)