"Mistress Manhattan has recently discovered a flaw in her new energetic form; it is suffering from severe power fluctuations that could, if left unchecked, eventually result in her erupting in a torrent of energy that could very well endanger the entire planet.
"She comes to the conclusion that her power fluctuations can be controlled by the introduction of a special element, much like dampening rods in a nuclear reactor.
"She uses the machines she has invented to search the universe, and even nearby tangenital universes, to find an element with the correct properties, and then teleport it to her lab.
"To her amazement it brings to her a human being, seemingly made entirely of the metal she needs!"
Hadn't done any 'naughty' images in awhile, so I decided to try something with my Mistress Manhattan; the idea for Colossus just came to mind when I didn't feel like creating another generic flesh-and-blood human as her partner ^_^
I did have fun making the series, and as you can tell from my gallery, I do have a thing for women with 'unusual' skin colors ^_^ (an 'exotic' woman mean a lot more to a fantasy/sci-fi fan like myself :-) ).