In this one I tried another version of her in her 'diamond form'.
I'm not too pleased with how it came out (you can see her hair through her head, and I have no idea how to fix something like that in either photoshop or inside the program).
Anonymous said…
Maybe it's a bit late for this, but you can always do two renders, alternatively hiding what you want/don't want to be seen and then use these renders as layers in PS, erasing from one and showing what is in the layer beneath. E.G. You do a nude render and a dressed render of hte same figure and use the eraser tool in PS to erase parts of the "dressed" layer to make damaged and torn clothing... much easier than editing the textures I suppose... same principle can be applied to invisible or transparent stuff...
My skill with PS is very poor, though; I'll have to find a tutorial about how to mannipulate layers and such before trying something like this.