Pumpkin Pie

The Colonial Maiden offers her loving husband a bit of dessert after Thanksgiving Dinner :-)

Well, as usual, it seems unintended but all of my Thanksgiving images are going to have a 'food' theme (at least in name, and probably in content as well [thinking of all kinds of uses for Corn on the Cob ^_^ )


Anonymous said…
I can't wait for the use of jibblets;P
Anonymous said…
Nice image except I cant figure out how she is supporting herself in that position. Maybe there is a chair between the two chairs that we can see?
Chup@Cabra said…

Well, actually, I thought of that too, I was just hoping no one noticed ^_^

The original pose had her with her arms to her back on the floor supporting her, but I wanted the hands to be lifting the apron; and a more upright pose would have obscurred the view of the 'pie[ ^_^

Lets just say that those anti-gravity boobs of hers are holding her up :-)