Velma Croft

Beginning a 'Halloween' theme that'll last all month (and up until I see the "Simpson's Haloween Special" in November ^_^ ), here is Velma in "Cosplay" again, as Lara Croft.

She seems to have a habit for not noticing the meanacing creatures right behind her, huh? (maybe one day I'll get back to what happens afterward ^_^).


Shocker said…
Nice crossover Chup' lol
Chup@Cabra said…
Thanks (also for all the other comments ^_^).
Anonymous said… it!

oh and yes please more of this series
Anonymous said…
My oh my. I do need to check in more frequently. Velma is a natural for cosplay. The short hair and glasses make her recognizable whatever costume she wears. As always love pictures of women with big boobs.
Chup@Cabra said…
I also like leaving the 'schoolgirl' shoes and orange socks in whatever image I make of her as well.

As I've said elsewhere, I base my velma on the work of Julius Zimmerman, and his renditions of her:[velma