Predatrix #1

My attempt at a 'female' Predator :-)

This might not be technically right; I have read some official fiction that suggests that the Predator we see in the movies actually IS a female (who says all female aliens have to have boobs? ^_^ ).

Like the lioness, they are the hunters for the males (who rule from the safety of home).

But what the hell, I like she-aliens with big boobs :-)


Anonymous said…
the helmet is to flat in the face, and being a bit of a AVP fan i would like you to at least get the helmet right (dont mind the sexy breast thing though ;p ) any way there should be more of a snout on it.
Chup@Cabra said…
Well, not much I can do about the helmet, I'm afraid; its a pre-made prop (like everything else I use).

I could probably stretch it on the 'Z-axis' some, but that then throws every other proportion on it off.

Anyway, thanks for the comment ^_^