Luke and Jen 1

The genesis of these images comes from discussing the sex lives of various Super-Heroes at another forum ^_^

Its more or less accepted that in Marvel Comics She-Hulk has probably had the most lovers of any female.

However, there is one other C-list ex-superheroine who has Officially had anal sex!! 0_0

The character is Jessica Jones, aka "Jewel".  In the first issue of the 'mature audiences' comic called "Alias", she goes to a bar and hooks up with Luke Cage (a old 'blacksploitation' type character from the 70s, but still active today).  He has steel-hard skin and super strength.

Later that night this scene happens: Luke Taps That Booty ^_^

There seems to be the suggestion that he is indeed having anal sex with her, and that she is doing this as a form of self-punishment for her own perceived failings (a steel hard schlong up the hoo-hah just can't be comfortable, even to a fellow superhuman ^_^).

So I did this series of Luke performing the same act on someone who wouldn't find the activity uncomfortable (hell, she could probably bend a steel bar with those particular set of muscles ^_^)


D said…
That's funny. I used to work for Marvel, for a time, and one of the things I couldn't stand was when they tried to porn-up the superheros with steamy sex scenes where they couldn't show anything anyway. I love seeing superhero sex, but the thing that's so great about it is that it was unofficial and something you were not going to see in the comics. Now it's like super action on page one, super adventure on page two and... hardcore porn on page three. That's our job, not Jeph Loebs!

And another great set, as usual!
Chup@Cabra said…
You used to work for Marvel? I didn't know that (ah, to have a Geek job instead of the Circle of Hell that I work at now :-( ).

I'm kind of half and half on the issue; I see nothing wrong with suggesting that adult characters care to have sex from time to time (or as often as possible in Playboy Tony Stark's case ^_^), but suddenly changing a character into a slut with no explanation is a problem.

This has currently happened to Starfire in DC Comics; before she was a happily married (to Robin/Nightwing) person who may have had a different idea of modesty (often appearing 'nude').

Now with the DC 'reboot' she has turned into an amnesiac slut that sleeps with anything with a dick at the drop of a hat! (and as much as I might like to see that [or render it ^_^], the change in her character just doesn't make since because it wasn't preluded by anything, to my knowledge.
D said…
I found it:

Benny was the greatest!
Chup@Cabra said…
Ah, yes; I managed to find the entire episode online, but that section is the best part.

Now I need to google what that word(s) on her shirt are to get the joke (something uniquely british, I assume ^_^)