Fantasy Score Homage-Helena Bonham Carter

Way back in the day, before I discovered the naughtiness of the internet :-), I used to buy a softcore porno magazine called "Score", which focused on women with Huge Boobs (I know, you're absolutely shocked I would buy a magazine that focused on such a subject, huh? :-)).

One of the things I liked about the latter run of the magazine was that it would feature an image of artwork by the artist Duncan Gutteridge, where he would depict various female celebrities with, what else, Huge Boobs!  This page was called "Fantasy Score" : Fantasy Score at 'Rule 34'

He really captured the look of whatever celebrity well (I wonder if he worked off a photo of each).

Well, as an homage to his work, and to use a 'Celebrity Morph' I picked up awhile back, here is a random image of Helena Bonham Carter with some Bigguns :-)

I put her in a 'Victorian' style outfit because in a lot of the stuff I have seen her in, she is in some kind of 'period' clothing (and usually stuff made by her long time partner, Tim Burton).

Truth to tell, I should have used her in something last month, as she also often stars in something eerie or horror themed, but this will do for now.
