Andorian Assets

As some of you may know, I tend to pick up nearly every breast morph for whatever model I happen to be using (usually Victoria 4).

Recently I have been using Daz Studio more and more, and the model I prefer for that platform is Genesis 3 (Male and Female).

One thing I hated about that model was that it didn't have any good areola/nipple morphs (although some great breast shape morphs overall).

Finally, someone made an add-on to fix that problem, called "Headlights for Genesis 3 Female" by Meipe over at Renderotica.

I used it to make use of the product, and for no particular reason made her an Andorian.  The nipple morph I used is to emulate the 'inverted nipple' look that some women have, although this product has many things to choose from, from the 'Realistic' to the Ridiculous :-)

Don't know why the skin came out reflective; I used an 'alien' skin texture meant for Daz Studio, (called "Alien Allure", surprisingly a freebie from Renderotica), so maybe it was meant to look that way.
