Rogue in Peril

Hadn't done an image featuring my "Evolution" version of Rogue for quite awhile (actually, had to 'rebuild' her since my last crash), so here is one where she has been captured by the White Queen (she kinda sorta did the same thing to Storm in her very first appearance way back when ^_^)


evilerk said…
great to see Rogue again..and the White Queen looks amazing
Anonymous said…
Rogue's belly is gorgeous!
I want to see a topless version...
Chup@Cabra said…
To Evilerk: I thought you would appreciate this one ^_^(and I realize I hadn't done one with her for quite awhile)

To Anon1: I intentionally gave her a little bit of a belly (using a morph called 'Barbarian', ment to emulate the body style of artists like Frank Frazetta).

I may do more with this series later.