Horde Captive

"Werthra the dwarf and Piffany the gnome have managed to capture a lone orc of the Horde, and in a secluded glade decide on what "punishment" he should endure for daring to tresspass on lands of the Alliance"

One of my first World of Warcraft inspired images (with perhaps more naughty ones to come later ^_^ ).

I had actually done a version of this one before, but I wasn't that pleased with both the dwarf and gnome morphs I used, so this is 'Take Two' so to speak.

Although you might not be able to tell in this pose, the gnome is slightly smaller than the dwarf, and not as massivly built (although I may tweak her appearance in the future).

I tried to fix those calf and forearm distortions caused when I use my 'dwarf' morphs on figures; still not perfect but good enough.
