All Sizes

This image has helped me perfect my 'technique' of making multiple character images without resorting to photoshop. I had a pose set that produced the pose in the image, so what I did was load one character, select her pose portion of the image, implant the necessary morphs, then save the character as a single 'element'. 'Rinse and Repeat' for each character, then seperately load each into one single scene; I'm pretty proud of the results, if I do say so myself

As usual, I couldn't get a very high resolution out of my system, this image is two steps above 'Draft'; I tried three steps, but then it froze.Note that halfling has changed somewhat from the first time I used her in an image:

She has now become a half-halfing, half-drow ('Drowling'), Tiefling (a.k.a., a mongrel ). I was looking at the 3.0 Player's Handbook, and noticed that halflings are even shorter then dwarves (or gnomes, for that matter). So I reduced her size to 70% of normal. Technically, the half-dragon Draconia should be even taller than 'standard' size, but this time I just left it alone.


jungleelf said…
this is my dream war party or team up if i lived in D&D world. Any of these women as personal lover and the two would be great to look.