Moon Blossom

"An investigator into the Occult has found that she has been kidnapped and drugged into unconsciousness.
"When she awakens, she realizes with a growing terror that she has been stripped nude, and held in place by strange vine-like growths with strange, almost human-like hands at the ends.

"Before her is some monstrosity, like some malevolent, overgrown Venus Fly Trap.  On either side of it, trapped in pustulous sacks are two women, mouths agape in silent screams, as their flesh seems to be slowly dissolving away.

"With a final realization, she now knows that this is her fate as well, as the mouth of this monster opens wide, and a tongue rolls about its lips.....

Edit: In retrospect, this will be my last Halloween themed pic for the season, as I just don't have the drive to come up with another one before midnight (typing this on the 31st), and in a way I literally don't have the Drive (my slow computer problems of late).

As usual, though, since I have SO MUCH stuff to make such images, I may occasionally still do a 'eerie' themed image, even if its not that time of year.

So, have a nice, fun and safe All Hallow's Eve, folks, and hopefully I'll be in a better spot to make more eerie themed images for next Halloween season :-)

Been awhile since I accompanied an image with so much 'purple prose' (I'm not really into fan fiction myself :-)).

The 'Audrey II" in this image is actually composed of two figures meant to look like that classic monster; One called "Mean Grean Mutha" (of course :-)), and another one strangely called 'Beatrix" (not sure why, maybe the name of the girlfriend of the maker of the model?).

As I have said elsewhere, I am into the game "Dungeons and Dragons", particularly the Pathfinder variation for the past several years.

There are actually a couple of monsters in that setting that are very much like a cross between "Audrey", 'Triffids', and "Invasion of the Body Snatchers:, called the "Body Thief" and the "Moon Flower":

Even though this seems like a set-up for some 'Naughty Tentacle' images, I don't think I'll continue, partly because of the slowness of my system lately, and partly because I have moved away from my interest in 'Tentacle Hentai'.... for the most part anyway :-)
