Lady Venom

I guess you could consider this image the first 'official' of my images for the Halloween season, although it was inspired by the movie "Venom" that is out as of the posting of this image.

funny thing about this image is that I used one of my 'Celebrity' morphs at the last second, although you can't really tell because of the skin used and the inhuman expansion of her mouth.

The morph I used is meant to resemble Cameron Diaz:…

One thing I have noticed about her: She is a beautiful woman, but sometimes she breaks into this face-splitting smile that would put the f*cking Joker to shame :wow:

Also, this one of three 'slime suits' I have, but the first one I have really used.  One is meant to look like the character is covered in globs of goo/being attacked by a living goo pile, and another is just a 'sexy striped' suit that kind of looks like living goo is covering the figure.  I may yet use these in future images to represent a total transformation, like I did WAY back with this image (see the far right to see the other images in the series [posted before I knew you could put multiple images in one post]):
Mary Jane Venomized
